Deep Space D-6: Armada Frequently Asked Questions

New rules modifications are recommended

Deep Space D-6: Armada currently contains balancing issues and well as printing errors. Please see here for more information.

Components and Setup

Q: How do I identify all the components?

A: For a component checklist please click here.


Q: Which Distress Beacon Tokens go into the draw bag?

A: All the Distress Beacon tokens except for beacons 00, 99, and 80 go into the draw bag. The blank token is simply an extra. You can also add “Don’t Panic” tokens to the bag to make the game easier. When these tokens are drawn, you don’t place a new event during the Resolution phase.

General Gameplay

Q: Help! My games are lasting too long!

A: Because the end-game trigger is tied to randomly drawing tokens from a dwindling pile, it’s possible you won’t find Data Tokens until very late into a game. First, make sure you are not returning completed Distress Beacons back into the bag. For a variant solution, allow players to purchase a random Data Token at a cost of 15 Credits (single player), or 10 Credits (all other player counts). You can also set the Data Token requirement to 2 or 3 instead of 4.


Q: For 1-2 player games, the rulebook states you draw 2 Threat Detected cards, however the player aid card says 1 Threat Detected card is drawn during phase 3. Which is correct?

A: For 1-2 players it should be 1 Beacon and 2 Threat Detected Cards. The Rulebook is correct and the player aid card is misprinted.


Q: Event 20 is labeled as a Prime Event but the Distress Beacon token is a regular beacon. Which is correct?

A: The Distress Beacon is correct. Event 20 is incorrectly labelled as a Prime Away Mission.


Q: Where is the Event 80 card?

A: Event 80 the boss encounter. Do not place the Distress Beacon #80 into the draw bag. You will use the token and matching boss sheet, when the boss is created during the end game trigger.

Q: Can a Command symbol be used as an Engineering symbol during the repair action?

A: No, the Command symbol can only be used as a ‘wildcard’ during combat and Away Missions.


Q: How does Rigsystem Generation 2’s ability work?

A: This card is a misprint. The ability mistakenly implies that you cannot assign Crew to a section unless it completes the section. Please ignore this character’s ability until a fix can be addressed.

Crew & Heroes



  • The 2 ship modules labelled Blossom Mk. II are incorrectly printed with the front of the regular Blossom. The correct wording should be “1 ENERGY Damage +3 for each additional [Tactical]” as seen below

  • The ship module Titan Arum Ram is missing the Quickstrike weapon characteristic on the front of the token.

    Note: I apologize for these errors and will provide paste-up PDFs for corrections.

Enemy Threats

Q: Does Protect work on ships that damage themselves?

A: Protect only protects them from player damage.